Hi, I'm T.D. Cloud, a delightfully depraved queer erotica + romance author with a penchant towards the macabre, historic, and horrific. If there's a flavor of supernatural you like, chances are I've got a story that fits the bill, and if you like vampires or abused witch boys... Oh boy. Oh boy howdy, are you in the right place.
As of right now, I intend to keep this space targeted around new releases and short stories that likely won't see a full publication. If you're in the mood for longer works, I have a lot of published books hosted on my website! For fae lovers, you may like The Tempest Series. For DND/Fantasy fans, pick up The Duskriven Chronicles for BDSM, Polyam Drow. For vampires galore, you'll want The Dark Vagaries series. For short, pithy supernatural reads, check out the novellas [Convergence] and Ossuary.
So, welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring. Find me on patreon, twitter, blueksy, and various Midwest conventions for more of my particular brand of sickness as needed.